Thursday, August 23, 2012

1 Month Old!

Hello everyone! Ash and I have been enjoying and quickly learning that taking care of a newborn is hard, hard, tough work... BUT often times, its also an experience that's been rewarding, hilarious, and adventure-y (is that even a word? I'm gonna pull the sleep deprivation card here if it isn't). 

Jameson celebrated his 1 month born on date a few days ago and he's grown so much! I look at some of the pictures we took when we first brought him home and I can't believe he was such a little peanut! Now he's a medium 9 lb 3 oz peanut. I know our blog has been a little quiet, but we've got a few posts in the works. We've been trying to catch up on sleep every time we've had a chance. Also, I know Ash has been writing up a post about her experience with the birth and even I haven't had a chance to read it yet.  

For now enjoy this pic of our handsome little bean and have a great weekend!  :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Video: My Baby Boy

Here's a quick video of my little buddy at literally 2 hours old, on the weighing table.

Friday, July 20, 2012

He's Finally Here!

In later posts, Ashley and I will both give our perspectives on the days leading up to and after Jameson's birth. From the start when Ashley's water broke on Thursday July 19th, to the little guy being born the next day on Friday July 20th.

For now, to sum up what I'm feeling, there's 2 things that were hammered into my head that are truer than Newton's law of gravity.

1) Moms. Are. Amazing. I can't even describe the miracle of childbirth. I am so proud of Ashley and I honestly can't imagine doing what she did these past 2 days. There's no way I could've done that and I'm in awe of the strength of mothers everywhere, especially Ash and my own Mom. Seriously. Reader, call your Mom and give her a hug and tell her you love her. Right now!

2) Yes. Love at first sight is true. When I first saw my son's head of hair and heard him first cry as they brought him to the weighing table and cleaned him off, I instantly loved him more than life itself. In a split second, this guy has inspired me to be a better man in every sense of the word. I can only hope and aspire to be a great Dad. One of the defining moments of my life was meeting this my little guy and now looking at the medical band on my wrist designating me as the father, I'm speechless with humility.

With that said, here he is everyone: Jameson Erik Wint Braceros. Weighing in at 7lbs and 14oz at 21 inches long. Born July 20, 2012 at 3:43 pm at Northwestern Prentice Women's Hospital in Chicago.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Officially Past Due

Well, July 17th has come and gone and Jameson still lives in my belly. I'm not going to lie, I am a bit disappointed. I thought for sure he would grace us with his presence early, however, he has chosen to be like his parents and procrastinate his arrival.

From what I'm gathering, this is probably the most difficult part of pregnancy. The waiting. The anticipation. The false alarms. And with all this excitement, there is of course some fear. Once labor begins for real, that's it, our lives will change forever. It's such a weird combination to be completely excited for this event and terrified, too. That's what must make becoming a parent so profound.

For me personally, this last bit is torture. Not only am I impatient (duh) but the fact that I have NO CONTROL OVER MY BODY in this situation is maddening. This really isn't up to me. Sure, I'm going on walks, eating spicy food, I even went to the chiropractor for adjustments (which I've NEVER done) and acupuncture (which I LOVED), nesting and cleaning, all in hopes that contractions will become regular and he will get here. But to no avail. This really is a test in patience (which I fear I'm failing most of the time) and learning to accept that some things happen in their own time. Probably a good lesson to learn before becoming a parent!

Either way, Mark and I can feel the excitement from all of our family and friends as we await Jameson's arrival. Thank you for all the love and well-wishes.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Due Date Incoming

Its July 17th! Jameson's due date!

I can't really put into words what feelings I have right now. I'm definitely excited. A little nervous. Not so much about the actual delivery. Actually, at this point, both Ash and I just want to see the little guy! The anxiety stems more from the whole being a parent thing, and not only that, but trying to be a good one.

On the bright side, we have a few months before we start having to lay down the law so there will be plenty of time to read more books on parenting. At this point I've read so many baby books that I can probably give a lecture on the delivery process complete with medical terms. (I'm not joking)

On an even brighter side, I have now put in the reps (short for repetitions, a little gym jargon there) for the following:

- Folding/Unfolding the stroller
- Attaching the bassinet/Removing the bassinet from the stroller
- Putting in the car seat/Removing the car seat from the car
- Folding/Unfolding the pack and play (portable crib)

Yes. I'm a little crazy. But frankly, I'm sorta glad I took the time out to do this. I thought for sure that my experience working with Oracle, years of programming and the analytical approach that comes with it, combined with putting together IKEA furniture since I was in college would mean these things would come second nature.


I remember reading a review on Amazon that a parent had "easily" put the pack and play together in 30 minutes. I remember laughing to myself and telling Ashley, "How hard is it to unfold a crib?? I'll beat this time of 30 minutes with a new record time of FIVE and post on Amazon about this feat."

45 minutes later of trying to put together the rotating changer/napper accessory that goes with the pack and play, and I wanted to throw the thing out the window.  Its not that its hard to assemble... Its that the instructions are horrible.

Anyway, this was a week ago. Thank God for practice. Now I can unfold the pack and play, snap on the changer in about 5 minutes. Same with the stroller. Same with the car seat. So if I were to give advice to future Dads out there (and Moms), get acquainted with some of the products that you will be using. Strollers, car seats, cribs... and just get comfortable with it. That way you're not trying to figure out how something works when your baby needs it! Good stuff!


Will definitely update this blog should anything develop! One day closer to meeting my baby boy!

Braceros out!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Becoming a Mom

I went to pre-natal yoga this evening in hopes of continuing to tune into my body and possibly speed up when I go into labor. The last, and most important part of a yoga class is savasana, or final rest. This allows the body and mind to process the practice. Due to our pregnant bodies, we lay in a pose other than corpse pose and today I was laying on my side. I mildly digress.

During this time, my mind for some reason wandered to when my cousin Breanna gave birth to my niece Isabella over two years ago. I got the call in the morning that she was going into labor, and my trusty partner-in-crime/roommate Chelsea and I rented a Zip car and took off for Pure Michigan to meet a baby in her first hours of life. When Isabella was born, we were taking a quick stop at Burger King somewhere in the middle of nowhere. We arrived to the hospital an hour or two after to meet a new life in our family.  
Completely overwhelmed meeting Isabella. She was so tiny!

And this is what I remember thinking: Breanna had just gone through something that I couldn't possibly imagine; she gave birth to another human. I realized then that her and I were now different. She had crossed this threshold that I couldn't possibly comprehend. I reflected on that memory during yoga this evening. And now here I am, my body and mind are actively preparing for birth in many ways. I can't believe I'm here.

Every birth video we see, each time I watch A Baby Story on TLC (a guilty pleasure lately), I am brought to tears when baby, Mommy, and Daddy meet for the first moment of life. I can't believe that soon I will join the ranks of Motherhood. It seems so huge yet humbling all at the same time.

I wish I could say I'm patiently waiting, but I'm not. I'm anxious, excited, nervous. I'm wondering when and how it will all begin. I hope it's sooner rather than later because I sure am impatient! We're hoping Jameson has that spunk and wants to come early and meet us all too!

If you can, send us healthy, happy, and speedy labor vibes!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Final Countdown!

I can't believe it, but we are less than 3 weeks away from Jameson's due date! I hit 37 weeks on Tuesday, meaning this guy is technically now at full term. We're just playing the waiting game! Trust me, I am ready. Well, ready but anxious, nervous, excited all at the same time. I guess it's the calm before the storm...

My Mom came to visit last weekend and help out with preparing the nursery. Her help was greatly appreciated, especially since I am unable to get a lot done at this point due to discomfort or exhaustion (which frustrates me quite a bit). I couldn't have done it without her as I felt pretty clueless in my first attempts to put some things together and organized. I had such a great time with my Mom over the course of the weekend, including a doctor's appointment (she loves hearing that "strong heartbeat"!), brunch at The Bongo Room (one of the best spots in the city), mani/pedis, a trip to Target, and more great food. It was such a great weekend and I was sad to see her go but excited about the next time I'll be seeing her and my Dad...before the arrival of Baby Jameson!

The nursery is ALMOST done. Just waiting on a few final touches. I promise, pictures will be up once it is complete. It's a room I absolutely love and can't wait to spend a lot of time in there.

Friday, June 8, 2012

A One Year Reflection

This week I celebrated my one year anniversary of working at Groupon. I feel like with milestones such as this, it's a great time to reflect on the year that has gone by. A year ago, I would have never believed that I would be preparing to have a baby. If I'm being perfectly honest, I'm not exactly where I want to be in my career (but who REALLY is anyway) and there are plenty of places I still want to travel to. The list goes on. However, throughout this incredible life-changing surprise, I have continued to be grateful that I have Mark as my partner. He always tells me that just because we have this baby, I don't have to give up on my dreams in my career. We will travel the world, as a couple and with our son. We can create a wonderful life as a new family according to what we value.

If there is one thing I have learned in my mere twenty-eight years, it's that we really don't know what or whom can be brought into, or taken out of our lives from one year, month, week, or even day to the next. Little Jameson is a miracle and he will be such a beautiful addition to our family. I know for the Wint Family, he will bring much needed joy. It's easy to sometimes forget how precious and sacred life is as we go about our day to day business and get caught up in the little things. But when you take a step back whole picture, the grand scheme of things, life is miraculous and beautiful.

Last night I had a dream that he was here and it was absolutely wonderful. It makes me realize that although our lives will totally change, there's a brand new little man ready to meet the world, and we get to be a part of that together. At this point, I'm ready.

I know you're in there!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Flashback Friday

Get ready everyone! Here are baby photos of Mark and I! Now, just try and imagine this combo in one little human! Can't wait to meet our little guy!

Baby Mark. Just looking to get into trouble.

Baby Ashley. Just scootin along!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

33 Weeks and All is Well!

We apologize for the lack of Tee Shirt Tuesday this week. Mark was under the weather and wasn't able to post.

Tuesday morning we had a doctor's appointment and ultrasound. Everything looks great and we have a healthy boy on our hands (or in my belly)! He's currently 4 lbs. 13 oz. He was very squirmy that morning so the profile ultrasound picture wasn't as clear as it's previously been. What a little trouble maker!

I like to move it, move it.

We left the doctor's feeling good hearing everything with Mommy and Baby is progressing perfectly. We're 7 weeks away! Here we go!

Moustache pillow? Yes please!

The beautiful Momma-to-be goofing around while we were fishing for nursery ideas at the Land of Nod.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tee Shirt Tuesday!

Hello everyone, tonight we have another edition of Tee Shirt Tuesday's!

Today's shirt comes to us via the company Wry Baby, a web company that specializes in baby shirts and onesies that has one goal in mind: make products that are fun and make you laugh. This particular tee shirt came in a small bag with a picture of a mystic with a turban with the caption: 


As you can imagine, Ashley and I were definitely excited to see what our son would be... A kung fu master? A shrimp boat captain? Maybe a game show host?? With nervous excitement, we opened our bag, and this is what Mysterio predicted as the bright future for our little boy:


Truth be told, we were definitely not surprised. Its fitting actually as evidenced by the pictures below. Can't wait to see you Jameson, Daddy and Mommy love you.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

T Shirt Tuesdays

As a way of getting us to post more often on this blog, I've decided to create Tshirt Tuesdays! I'm pretty excited about this. The idea is that each Tuesday we'll be posting up a tshirt or onesie for the little dude. When he DOES arrive, we'll be posting pics of him actually wearing said clothing.

Luckily we got a pretty cool pair of shirts/onesies from Aunt Chelsea this past weekend (as Ashley mentioned below, be sure to check out her awesome blog here!) and this is the first of the 2. (I'm saving the second shirt for next week so stay tuned!)

I can't help but think how appropriate this shirt is in that this little guy will be growing up in one of the greatest cities in the world. We're definitely excited as parents to introduce, re-explore, and even fall in love with this city all over again when Jameson is old enough.


Check out this crib yo!

A few weeks ago, the UPS guy knocked on my door, and in probably the first time I can ever remember, asked for my help to carry up a package into our foyer. I don't blame him, as he must've been 140 pounds soaking wet. With a few heaves and a few grunts we managed to finally bring the box up and into the living room.

I knew what is was the moment the guy had knocked, because only 2 things come in those boxes that big. 60 inch plasma screen tv's and baby cribs. Since I hadn't asked or bought a tv and it had said Babyletto Crib on the side, I knew exactly what was in the box. I finally was able to put it together this past weekend and here are a few pics of it finally coming together! Thanks to the grandparents: Mama Edna and Papa Serv for this wonderful gift!

All my years of putting together modular IKEA furniture has prepared me for this one shining moment. 

1.  Sides first.
2.  The spring is added for support.

3.  Audience, here I add the 4th wall.
4.  This drawer actually gave me fits trying to put together.

5.  Here you go son, hopefully you learn to sleep through the night very quickly!

Wait a minute...


UH OH... Where does this go??

I kid. Its an attachment that we can put on to convert the crib into a toddler bed when he's older.

Friends With Words

My dear friend/former roommate Chelsea was in town this past weekend and was able to attend the lovely shower my friends Hope and Suz threw for us. Chelsea is an incredible playwright and blogger and wrote a lovely post about friends having babies (check it out here).
I just wanted to share her words and pictures. I can't believe the next time she'll be in town in August, she'll actually meet our baby! I can't wait and I miss her dearly.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Hello everyone, Mark here, future Dad.

Wow. Just writing, and reading that phrase, "future Dad" gives me both knots and butterflies in my stomach. Someone had said in passing a few months ago that we were in for a rollercoaster ride. I know it’s a cliché, but they couldn't have been more right. This analogy certainly hits the nail on the head when it comes to describe the happiness, excitement, thrill and yes I'll admit, sometimes pure terror that I've come to feel since learning of our little guy. Now don't get me wrong, when I say pure terror its definitely not the fear that you'd associate with regret. I would say the feeling has more to do with times when I am in a process of self examination or self assessment, usually once I get in bed and am about to turn in for the night, and that little voice comes out in my head:

"How will I be as a parent?"

"Am I financially stable enough to take care of Ashley and baby?"

"Oh my god I will have no life."

"Please God don't let me faint in the delivery room."

"Am I READY to be a parent?"

"Why did the Bears not choose any offensive linemen in the 2012 NFL draft?"

I like to think that my Dad, all those years ago, when he learned of me as a little guy in my Mom's belly was very much in the same situation as me. Excited, happy, and yeah, even a little scared. I like to think sometimes that he maybe asked the similar questions and had the same thoughts going through his mind.

I'm hopeful, because in reality, my parents probably didn't have all the answers. However, they were there for all the cuts, scrapes and bruises, to me worrying about getting into college, to me worrying about getting that first job out of college and everything in between until now… My Mom and Dad, knew exactly what to say or do to make me feel better about the situation I was in, whether it was words of encouragement, a pat on the back, a nice warm bowl of kare kare (Filipino food) and rice, or a good swift kick in the butt.

I'm hopeful because these two people, laying in bed 30 some odd years ago, somehow, some way, went from having the same questions I have going through my head now... to becoming the people I call my Mom and Dad, raised my sister and I, and even now, has me believing that they DO have all the answers.

I'm hopeful, that one day, one day... maybe my son will feel the same way about me!

With that said, thanks for reading, whether you're family, friends, or just happened upon this blog. Buckle your seatbelts, because the ride is just beginning!

Hanging with my Dad, with so much swag before the word was even around.

My beautiful Mom and I!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


One thing I'm finding out about being pregnant is that people always have the same questions. I feel that the demographic of people I'm around the most (friends and co-workers) haven't encountered a lot of pregnant people yet. Hey, here in the city we get started late on this whole having a family thing!
So, here are the top questions I've been asked so far and the answers to them (at this point in time):

1) How are you feeling?
This is a perfectly normal, general question to ask. And the truth is, the answer has changed week to week. There have been times where I've felt great, ready to conquer the world. I feel like the baby (and I) are going through a growth spurt, so I'm uncomfortable a lot of the time. And kind of tired. Now that there is an actual belly, there is more physical discomfort to deal with.

2) Have you had any weird cravings?
People LOVE to ask this question! It's probably the number one question I'm asked, actually. Truth is, no strange cravings or anything out of the ordinary. To be cliche, I haven't had the urge to combine ice cream and pickles. There are times when I honestly don't know what I want to eat until I see or smell something, then I become slightly obsessed about eating that kind of food. But in general, I just eat, and it's great.

3) What's the best and worst parts about being pregnant?
Aside from people giving up their seat for you on the train? Or people at work bringing you food just because? Or people in general just being nicer to you? Yeah, that's all pretty cool. You also get away with having slight mood swings, being demanding, and doing less than you should (or actually can do). All that is kinda cool. I really try not to pig out ALL the time, but it is nice to indulge in foods I haven't even thought about in a long time. I had a Pop-Tart this morning. That was awesome. Ice cream rocks. People use you as an excuse for snack breaks during the day. That is lovely.

What do I not like about being pregnant? Well, it's not the most comfortable experience. I'm at a point where I can FEEL myself grow a little bit every day. The strain on my lower back, ribs, ankles isn't the most enjoyable thing ever. Also, as someone who comes from a background in dance/movement/yoga, it's difficult to in a way "give in" to these changes your body must make in order to create and carry another human around. Having a higher level of body awareness also makes all of these changes more acute, for better or worse.
Also, I miss sushi, lox, unpasteurized cheeses, medium steak, and having a beer/glass of wine/martini at the end of a hard day or week. But every pregnant person feels like THAT, don't they?!

Once again, sorry I haven't been writing much lately. Hopefully more updates to come as things settle down a bit, before they get crazy again!
Love to you all!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Hi Everyone!

I've been awful about updating this blog, which happens to be a chronic symptom of writing a blog.
Life has been moving at a fast and furious pace for the Braceros/Wint troop, so here's what has been going on!

WE'RE HAVING A BOY!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Little Guy!

We are over the moon that our bundle of joy will be a baby boy. I just KNEW that it would be a boy for months and months. In fact, I had two very distinct dreams that we had a baby boy and he was playful, and absolutely adorable. I can't wait to meet him, to see him smile, and to see what kind of personality he develops.

See his hand covering his face? He's playing shy! So cute!

In one week, we're all moving to our new home. There is so much to get done as we make this huge transition. We can't wait to get settled so that we can REALLY start preparing for the baby! We've already begun working on our registry, so please stay tuned.

Just this past week, this little dude has grown and so have I. I am now sporting a full-on baby bump, like, the kind that makes people give you their seat on the train, or makes people YELL AT PEOPLE WHO ARE SITTING to give their seat to you. True story. Happened yesterday. It was awesome.

With all this change happening so quickly, it is nice to take a step back and be grateful for all that we have, and I'm especially grateful to have Mark. I wouldn't want to be going through this with anyone else.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I've been finding that the concept of time has taken on a whole new meaning since being pregnant. There are so many events that are coming up and so much to get done. Everything feels so much more significant as we try to plan and prepare for our new life together and bringing a new person into our world.
Here is a timeline of what is to come, as of March 1:

- 20 weeks pregnant, halfway there!

- 5 days until we find out if we're having a boy or a girl!

- 1 week until mine and Angela's birthday. Yikes!

- 1 month until we move into our new, beautiful home. A VERY big change that we're very excited about.

- 5 months until due date!

Time keeps coming and going!

Life really has been going along at a fast and furious pace. A lot of changes and challenges have come our way lately. It feels like a bit of a roller coaster at times, but it has been an incredible lesson in taking things as they come, making sure to keep breathing, and being there for each other. (Yoga makes most of this mentality possible, by the way.) It is certainly a very exciting time and I have moments when I can't believe this is ALL HAPPENING.

Speaking of happening, there is some major movement happening in my belly and it's time for a little chocolate Haagen Dazs ice cream! Good night all!

Seriously, one of my faves. Especially the mini cups. Nom.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


We find out the baby's sex TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY!

(Pardon the reference to one of my favorite shows, Arrested Development, but this countdown is reminds me of this:)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Momma Bear

In the past week or two, I've come to notice what can only be called "maternal instincts" kicking in.
I think I've always been a maternal-like person, I'm just more aware of it now.

First, I'm excited to announce that I will be moving into a new position at work next week. I worked my butt off and did not take no for an answer when there was even a slight chance this promotion might be held off a week or two. I felt empowered and strong to fight not only for myself, but also to be in a position that would make me all around a happier person. Happy mommy, happy baby, right? It's not just me I'm worrying about anymore. I need to make decisions and act on them based on what will be best for our family. I'm very excited about this change.

Second, the nesting bug bit me. It started two weeks ago. I returned from a lovely brunch with a friend, had the apartment to myself and went CRAZY cleaning/organizing. Every surface must be polished and sanitized! I didn't realize nesting would happen so soon, but here we are! I feel like there's a small tick that has taken over a small portion of my brain that renders me slightly psychotic in the pursuit of cleanliness.

All of this may or may not coincide with my obsession with Pinterest. Looking at creative and inspiring ways to decorate and organize makes me giddy for when we all finally move into our new apartment so that I can make it our home. I even want to make homemade cleaning products that are all natural. No chemicals, please! I absolutely love settling into a new apartment, and can't wait to make a beautiful home, a lot of it based on inspirations from Pinterest. Our home, along with creating a beautifully cozy nursery is also something I'm looking forward to.

With the cleaning and organizing and wishing for our future home and what I'll do with it, I've come to realize I'm a crazy mix of my own parents. My Mom likes things in their right place. Her way is The Right way. Typically, this drives me nuts, but I am coming to realize more and more, that everything does have it's place, in an attempt to keep some kind of order in the home. For my own personal sanity, I've come to learn, less is more. This is where my Dad comes in with his organization. The man loves to throw things away. "You don't need it, get rid of it." Growing up, I was a bit of a pack-rat. Everything had sentimental value (hey, I was a sensitive kid). The last few years, I've gotten over that. I honestly enjoy purging that which I no longer need, and choosing what new items in my life more carefully. Also, organization is what my Dad is known for. He loves bins and labeling things. It's his thing. I'm not quite to that level, but I certainly appreciate it.
This lethal combination of Everything In It's Right Place and Organization will hopefully find it's way into our new home (and not drive everyone crazy).

There's still A LOT that needs to be worked out before we're ready to even START settling in for Baby. The sooner the better. I'm trying to keep my impatient tendencies in check and take it all one step at a time. This is very much a challenge for me but I'm trying to do my best. Some days, some weeks, are better than others. Today, if I'm honest, wasn't a good one. All I can do is my best right now and try to go easy on myself. Tomorrow is another day.

Love, Ashley

Saturday, February 11, 2012

17 Weeks: First Kicks

Yesterday we had a prenatal checkup. Quick and easy. But let me tell you, listening to that heartbeat is just the best. I don't even know what other words to use that will adequately describe the excitement and happiness that comes from hearing it.

I also asked the doctor if I should be feeling any movement yet because I hadn't yet, although some of my books have said this should start to happen. She said not to worry and we will be more concerned about hearing it around 24 weeks.

Well, lo and behold, on our car ride home, under my coat and seatbelt, I felt these little pokes from my belly! It was the strangest and most exhilarating feeling! Later that night, lounging on the couch I could feel these little movement again. This time, Mark was right next to me and could put his hand on my belly to feel it. The second time the kicks started up again, as soon as his hand came to my belly, there was one strong kick. We turned to each other with our jaws dropped. Hello to you too, Baby!

First Post!

Hi Everyone!
I'm so excited to FINALLY begin this blog in order to keep our family and friends from all over the world informed on what's going on with Mark and I, but most importantly, THE BABY!

We have started calling the baby "Lucky Dragon Baby" as this year is the Year of the Dragon, which is considered one of the luckiest signs in the Chinese Zodiac.
(See? Everybody wants to have a baby this year! Lucky us!)

We have a lot to do between now and mid-July when we meet the little one, but we're absolutely thrilled to be together and have a baby.

Stay tuned! A lot of updates to come. And please feel free to leave us comments so we know who's out there.
Lots of love and joy,
Ashley & Mark