Hello everyone, Mark here, future Dad.
Wow. Just writing, and reading that phrase, "future Dad" gives me both knots and butterflies in my stomach. Someone had said in passing a few months ago that we were in for a rollercoaster ride. I know it’s a cliché, but they couldn't have been more right. This analogy certainly hits the nail on the head when it comes to describe the happiness, excitement, thrill and yes I'll admit, sometimes pure terror that I've come to feel since learning of our little guy. Now don't get me wrong, when I say pure terror its definitely not the fear that you'd associate with regret. I would say the feeling has more to do with times when I am in a process of self examination or self assessment, usually once I get in bed and am about to turn in for the night, and that little voice comes out in my head:
"How will I be as a parent?"
"Am I financially stable enough to take care of Ashley and baby?"
"Oh my god I will have no life."
"Please God don't let me faint in the delivery room."
"Am I READY to be a parent?"
"Why did the Bears not choose any offensive linemen in the 2012 NFL draft?"
I like to think that my Dad, all those years ago, when he learned of me as a little guy in my Mom's belly was very much in the same situation as me. Excited, happy, and yeah, even a little scared. I like to think sometimes that he maybe asked the similar questions and had the same thoughts going through his mind.
I'm hopeful, because in reality, my parents probably didn't have all the answers. However, they were there for all the cuts, scrapes and bruises, to me worrying about getting into college, to me worrying about getting that first job out of college and everything in between until now… My Mom and Dad, knew exactly what to say or do to make me feel better about the situation I was in, whether it was words of encouragement, a pat on the back, a nice warm bowl of kare kare (Filipino food) and rice, or a good swift kick in the butt.
I'm hopeful because these two people, laying in bed 30 some odd years ago, somehow, some way, went from having the same questions I have going through my head now... to becoming the people I call my Mom and Dad, raised my sister and I, and even now, has me believing that they DO have all the answers.
I'm hopeful, that one day, one day... maybe my son will feel the same way about me!
With that said, thanks for reading, whether you're family, friends, or just happened upon this blog. Buckle your seatbelts, because the ride is just beginning!
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Hanging with my Dad, with so much swag before the word was even around. |
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My beautiful Mom and I! |
Oh, such a lovely sentiment about your dear parents! I enjoy reading Mark posts on this blog now (in the middle of the night, what's your point?). And don't sweat it; you have like 14 or 15 years until your son realizes you've been making it all up as you go along.