Friday, June 8, 2012

A One Year Reflection

This week I celebrated my one year anniversary of working at Groupon. I feel like with milestones such as this, it's a great time to reflect on the year that has gone by. A year ago, I would have never believed that I would be preparing to have a baby. If I'm being perfectly honest, I'm not exactly where I want to be in my career (but who REALLY is anyway) and there are plenty of places I still want to travel to. The list goes on. However, throughout this incredible life-changing surprise, I have continued to be grateful that I have Mark as my partner. He always tells me that just because we have this baby, I don't have to give up on my dreams in my career. We will travel the world, as a couple and with our son. We can create a wonderful life as a new family according to what we value.

If there is one thing I have learned in my mere twenty-eight years, it's that we really don't know what or whom can be brought into, or taken out of our lives from one year, month, week, or even day to the next. Little Jameson is a miracle and he will be such a beautiful addition to our family. I know for the Wint Family, he will bring much needed joy. It's easy to sometimes forget how precious and sacred life is as we go about our day to day business and get caught up in the little things. But when you take a step back whole picture, the grand scheme of things, life is miraculous and beautiful.

Last night I had a dream that he was here and it was absolutely wonderful. It makes me realize that although our lives will totally change, there's a brand new little man ready to meet the world, and we get to be a part of that together. At this point, I'm ready.

I know you're in there!

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