Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Momma Bear

In the past week or two, I've come to notice what can only be called "maternal instincts" kicking in.
I think I've always been a maternal-like person, I'm just more aware of it now.

First, I'm excited to announce that I will be moving into a new position at work next week. I worked my butt off and did not take no for an answer when there was even a slight chance this promotion might be held off a week or two. I felt empowered and strong to fight not only for myself, but also to be in a position that would make me all around a happier person. Happy mommy, happy baby, right? It's not just me I'm worrying about anymore. I need to make decisions and act on them based on what will be best for our family. I'm very excited about this change.

Second, the nesting bug bit me. It started two weeks ago. I returned from a lovely brunch with a friend, had the apartment to myself and went CRAZY cleaning/organizing. Every surface must be polished and sanitized! I didn't realize nesting would happen so soon, but here we are! I feel like there's a small tick that has taken over a small portion of my brain that renders me slightly psychotic in the pursuit of cleanliness.

All of this may or may not coincide with my obsession with Pinterest. Looking at creative and inspiring ways to decorate and organize makes me giddy for when we all finally move into our new apartment so that I can make it our home. I even want to make homemade cleaning products that are all natural. No chemicals, please! I absolutely love settling into a new apartment, and can't wait to make a beautiful home, a lot of it based on inspirations from Pinterest. Our home, along with creating a beautifully cozy nursery is also something I'm looking forward to.

With the cleaning and organizing and wishing for our future home and what I'll do with it, I've come to realize I'm a crazy mix of my own parents. My Mom likes things in their right place. Her way is The Right way. Typically, this drives me nuts, but I am coming to realize more and more, that everything does have it's place, in an attempt to keep some kind of order in the home. For my own personal sanity, I've come to learn, less is more. This is where my Dad comes in with his organization. The man loves to throw things away. "You don't need it, get rid of it." Growing up, I was a bit of a pack-rat. Everything had sentimental value (hey, I was a sensitive kid). The last few years, I've gotten over that. I honestly enjoy purging that which I no longer need, and choosing what new items in my life more carefully. Also, organization is what my Dad is known for. He loves bins and labeling things. It's his thing. I'm not quite to that level, but I certainly appreciate it.
This lethal combination of Everything In It's Right Place and Organization will hopefully find it's way into our new home (and not drive everyone crazy).

There's still A LOT that needs to be worked out before we're ready to even START settling in for Baby. The sooner the better. I'm trying to keep my impatient tendencies in check and take it all one step at a time. This is very much a challenge for me but I'm trying to do my best. Some days, some weeks, are better than others. Today, if I'm honest, wasn't a good one. All I can do is my best right now and try to go easy on myself. Tomorrow is another day.

Love, Ashley

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the new job position!! love all this mommy talk. yeyy! love you.
