Wednesday, April 11, 2012


One thing I'm finding out about being pregnant is that people always have the same questions. I feel that the demographic of people I'm around the most (friends and co-workers) haven't encountered a lot of pregnant people yet. Hey, here in the city we get started late on this whole having a family thing!
So, here are the top questions I've been asked so far and the answers to them (at this point in time):

1) How are you feeling?
This is a perfectly normal, general question to ask. And the truth is, the answer has changed week to week. There have been times where I've felt great, ready to conquer the world. I feel like the baby (and I) are going through a growth spurt, so I'm uncomfortable a lot of the time. And kind of tired. Now that there is an actual belly, there is more physical discomfort to deal with.

2) Have you had any weird cravings?
People LOVE to ask this question! It's probably the number one question I'm asked, actually. Truth is, no strange cravings or anything out of the ordinary. To be cliche, I haven't had the urge to combine ice cream and pickles. There are times when I honestly don't know what I want to eat until I see or smell something, then I become slightly obsessed about eating that kind of food. But in general, I just eat, and it's great.

3) What's the best and worst parts about being pregnant?
Aside from people giving up their seat for you on the train? Or people at work bringing you food just because? Or people in general just being nicer to you? Yeah, that's all pretty cool. You also get away with having slight mood swings, being demanding, and doing less than you should (or actually can do). All that is kinda cool. I really try not to pig out ALL the time, but it is nice to indulge in foods I haven't even thought about in a long time. I had a Pop-Tart this morning. That was awesome. Ice cream rocks. People use you as an excuse for snack breaks during the day. That is lovely.

What do I not like about being pregnant? Well, it's not the most comfortable experience. I'm at a point where I can FEEL myself grow a little bit every day. The strain on my lower back, ribs, ankles isn't the most enjoyable thing ever. Also, as someone who comes from a background in dance/movement/yoga, it's difficult to in a way "give in" to these changes your body must make in order to create and carry another human around. Having a higher level of body awareness also makes all of these changes more acute, for better or worse.
Also, I miss sushi, lox, unpasteurized cheeses, medium steak, and having a beer/glass of wine/martini at the end of a hard day or week. But every pregnant person feels like THAT, don't they?!

Once again, sorry I haven't been writing much lately. Hopefully more updates to come as things settle down a bit, before they get crazy again!
Love to you all!

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