Tuesday, May 8, 2012

T Shirt Tuesdays

As a way of getting us to post more often on this blog, I've decided to create Tshirt Tuesdays! I'm pretty excited about this. The idea is that each Tuesday we'll be posting up a tshirt or onesie for the little dude. When he DOES arrive, we'll be posting pics of him actually wearing said clothing.

Luckily we got a pretty cool pair of shirts/onesies from Aunt Chelsea this past weekend (as Ashley mentioned below, be sure to check out her awesome blog here!) and this is the first of the 2. (I'm saving the second shirt for next week so stay tuned!)

I can't help but think how appropriate this shirt is in that this little guy will be growing up in one of the greatest cities in the world. We're definitely excited as parents to introduce, re-explore, and even fall in love with this city all over again when Jameson is old enough.


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