Thursday, July 19, 2012

Officially Past Due

Well, July 17th has come and gone and Jameson still lives in my belly. I'm not going to lie, I am a bit disappointed. I thought for sure he would grace us with his presence early, however, he has chosen to be like his parents and procrastinate his arrival.

From what I'm gathering, this is probably the most difficult part of pregnancy. The waiting. The anticipation. The false alarms. And with all this excitement, there is of course some fear. Once labor begins for real, that's it, our lives will change forever. It's such a weird combination to be completely excited for this event and terrified, too. That's what must make becoming a parent so profound.

For me personally, this last bit is torture. Not only am I impatient (duh) but the fact that I have NO CONTROL OVER MY BODY in this situation is maddening. This really isn't up to me. Sure, I'm going on walks, eating spicy food, I even went to the chiropractor for adjustments (which I've NEVER done) and acupuncture (which I LOVED), nesting and cleaning, all in hopes that contractions will become regular and he will get here. But to no avail. This really is a test in patience (which I fear I'm failing most of the time) and learning to accept that some things happen in their own time. Probably a good lesson to learn before becoming a parent!

Either way, Mark and I can feel the excitement from all of our family and friends as we await Jameson's arrival. Thank you for all the love and well-wishes.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you wrote this 3 hours ago LOL!! Ohhhhh timing (:
