Yesterday we had a prenatal checkup. Quick and easy. But let me tell you, listening to that heartbeat is just the best. I don't even know what other words to use that will adequately describe the excitement and happiness that comes from hearing it.
I also asked the doctor if I should be feeling any movement yet because I hadn't yet, although some of my books have said this should start to happen. She said not to worry and we will be more concerned about hearing it around 24 weeks.
Well, lo and behold, on our car ride home, under my coat and seatbelt, I felt these little pokes from my belly! It was the strangest and most exhilarating feeling! Later that night, lounging on the couch I could feel these little movement again. This time, Mark was right next to me and could put his hand on my belly to feel it. The second time the kicks started up again, as soon as his hand came to my belly, there was one strong kick. We turned to each other with our jaws dropped. Hello to you too, Baby!
SO exciting!!! Like the blog name too!